Thursday, April 21, 2011


After a sweet note from one of my followers yesterday,
I decided to fill everyone in on where I have been hiding.
I'd love to say I've been basking in the sun on St. Croix or sailing the Seven Seas...

Nothing quite like that, though.
I have in fact been growing a human. A wonderful but sometimes daunting task!
For 6 weeks or so I was more nauseous than I'd ever imagined,
and lately I've been sleeping every chance I get!

I used to blog with my coffee first thing in the morning or during Little One's naptime,

but now I have been sleeping in and napping, too!
Have no fear, I will return to the blogging world soon!
My goal is that as of May 1st I will be back to my usual 4-5 posts a week,
and there will be some fun new additions!
(psst...some fabulous sponsors and more facebook page updates each week!)
Thanks for sticking around even though it's been kind of boring around here lately...

See you all back here very soon!

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